
Showing posts from 2014

I like this!

Day 5.. Smith girl invasion

Tonight we were surprised by all of the Smith girls. Martha Claire and kamikaze Sarah Smith. A big fire was built, hot tea was brewed we SAT around listening to Christmas carols.. making clove oranges having cheese and cracker snacks and apples and peanut butter... just hanging out with the kids ,an awesome night and a great surprise! Oh and I almost forgot we ended the night with banana splits.

Wild Sparky...Day 4

Today we caught Sparky in the printer, printing copies of himself ...Always up to no good!

On the 3rd day of Christmas. .

We wrote letters to santa

Day 3 Sparky's wild adventure

Someone ate all of the sugar in the sugar bowl......SUGAR HIGH

Day 2 Sparky's wild adventure

we found Sparky zip lining thru the kitchen this morning.....

On the 2nd day of Christmas 2014.....

Today was a day that we took time to honor our wounded vets.Thank You For Your service! Fresh greens for the door. And...sparky could be found zipling thru the kitchen....

Let The Fun Begin!!!

Sparky, our Elf on the Shelf finally showed up this morning!!!! LET THE FUN BEGIN


We're back by popular demand!!!  We are so excited that the holidays have finally arrived...we've been waiting! So without further ado The days of Christmas 2014 ...START NOW!!! Everyday. ..(that we can) we will be doing something fun after school!  If you live close and can get to our house ...come on over !!! Each morning I will post on my blog and Facebook the activity of the day and the time. There will be cookies and hot cocoa (yes, marshm allow too) Merry Christmas , Happy Hanukkah and happy Kwanzaa

Christmas 2000

This was one of my favorite Christmases. All of my dad's brothers and their families came together for a true "homemade country christmas" We went to the woods to cut down our tree, made ornaments, baked goodies , made our gifts and shared the love of a great family.