Carrier Monkey's

Kids! Those cute little minatures-Nasty , rotten, carrier monkey's -You know they are! Spreading germs everywhere they turn. Jackson started Kindergarten this year . We had a great summer-no colds, running noses, no puking ,just a good ole summer-The kind you want to have. School started with a bang! Jackson was having fun and although he proclaimed on the 5th day..."I'm not learning anything at this school" I knew he wasn't telling the complete truth. Burst of information began to come out of him. He would say "Did you know that 2 + 2 = 4 and 4+4=8 and do you know what 1/2 of 8 is ?" And, last night, it happened -The 3rd week of school-Sore Throat, Stuffy Nose and we were up all night watching Scooby Doo and Blowing the Nose! Kids!!!!!!


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