We planted a small Garden out in the back yard-Mostly so the kids in the neighborhood could see how things grow-That's important. Today ,We picked our 1st Carrots and Jackson and I got busy making " Carol Ann Waltman's " very famous Carrot Cake! (Only famous if you grew up on Union Avenue in Bogalusa , Louisiana) It's easy and this "Made from Scratch" Goodie is one you'll want to tuck away in your recipe book. Great for when your fresh carrots are ready! Here's the 1-2-3 of it.. Carol Ann Waltman's Carrot Cake 2 C. Sugar 1 1/2 C. oil 2 C. grated fresh from your garden Carrots (just kidding , any carrots will do) 2 C. Self rising Flour 1 1/2 C. chopped pecans 4 Eggs Fresh from your hen house (got ya again!) Cream Sugar, Oil together -then add eggs 1 at a time. beat well. Mix in flour slowly and add carrots , vanilla and nuts. Pour in 4 round cake pans and bake at 325* until done. Icing 3/4 stick butter 1 box powdered sugar 1 8oz cream cheese C...