
Showing posts from August, 2009

Cuz'n Christi has come for a visit!

I love my Cuz'n Christi-She is Fun! Always up for anything that you want to get into-I really like that about her. This has been a tough visit for my Cuz-Most of our time has been spent in Dentist offices(yes, that's plural) 2 Root canels later and we are back in action! Tonight we rescued "Turk" from the Chestnut Hill Hospital!

Happy Birthday Nellie


The Barn-A New Project - Summertime 2009

Here she is -The latest "Matthew Project"- He is converting an old Barn into our new living space. Our other Mountian House sold in a snap so, we had to move on with our "Plan B"-We bought another piece of property around the corner and down a dirt road- 18 Acres and the biggest barn/arena I've ever seen. Huge-like you could have a skating rink inside or a football field-Huge.


Matthew bought me a cow awhile back and I named him T-Bone! He paid $28.00 for him and we kept him in the barn and all of the neighborhood kids got to bottle feed him and play with him til he just got to big for our barn! well, I guess the day he took off thru the neighborhood and Matthew couldn't catch him was the day that we decided that he needed to go! So, I asked My Amish Boyfriend - Aaron- if he could come and live with him! T-Bone was delivered and he has been at Arron's every since-getting "fattened Up" for the fall! Today , we went for a visit! "T" was happy to see us and Arron invited us over for T-bones in a few weeks! Rule #1- I don't eat my pets-never ever not ever! So, we'll be going to have a nice chicken dinner with Aaron and his family real soon.

What a Day!

You never know what each day will bring and especially if you live at my house! Today - At "the crack of dawn" Matthew got us all up and we loaded ourselves into "The woody" and headed out to the Amish Country to "The minature Horse and Donkey Auction".......I have no words -but, Pictures to tell the story. The END of the story is that we came home with a Pony and a buggy and the kids in the neighborhood are smiling! What a Day!

Fresh Carrots!

We planted a small Garden out in the back yard-Mostly so the kids in the neighborhood could see how things grow-That's important. Today ,We picked our 1st Carrots and Jackson and I got busy making " Carol Ann Waltman's " very famous Carrot Cake! (Only famous if you grew up on Union Avenue in Bogalusa , Louisiana) It's easy and this "Made from Scratch" Goodie is one you'll want to tuck away in your recipe book. Great for when your fresh carrots are ready! Here's the 1-2-3 of it.. Carol Ann Waltman's Carrot Cake 2 C. Sugar 1 1/2 C. oil 2 C. grated fresh from your garden Carrots (just kidding , any carrots will do) 2 C. Self rising Flour 1 1/2 C. chopped pecans 4 Eggs Fresh from your hen house (got ya again!) Cream Sugar, Oil together -then add eggs 1 at a time. beat well. Mix in flour slowly and add carrots , vanilla and nuts. Pour in 4 round cake pans and bake at 325* until done. Icing 3/4 stick butter 1 box powdered sugar 1 8oz cream cheese C...